About product development and safety quality

We support not only product development but also related laws and quality with a thorough system.
We are building a system where you can leave it to us with confidence.

Development concept

(1)Develop mainly 100-yen uniform products.
(2)Develop products that can be sold continuously.
(3)Directly deal with overseas manufacturers.
(4)Design for Japanese consumers.
(5)We are particular about the taste, quality, and quantity that suits preference of Japanese people.

About research activities for imported products

To research and discover products to be distributed to the Japanese market,
we visit international trade fairs and collect information.
“Let’s discover products from all over the world that will please everyone across countries!” &
“Let’s deliver a smile instead of delivering sweets!” are our watchwords.

Efforts for safety and quality

(1)The factories of new trading manufacturers will be inspected before starting business.
(2)We require product charts and manufacturing process charts to check consistency, and to carry out food inspections at public inspection organizations.
(3)We voluntarily carry out food inspections twice a year.
(4)We will carry out food inspections according to the characteristics of the product.
(5)When new products arrive at our warehouse, we check them according to our standards.